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Gala Training and Education Centre

Gala Training and Education Centre (GTEC) of the Training, Education and Certification Department of SOCAR, which was opened in 2011, organises both training and advancement courses on the training of commanders and personnel of non-military civil defence forces.

The centre includes Team Chief, Guard Chief and Shooter training for employees of SOCAR’s Security Department, as well as Team Chief, Security Guard, Emergency Rescue Group, Communication warning brigade, Fire Fighting and Medical brigade for employees of other enterprises, which are aimed at improving the professional level of employees, as well as teaching the knowledge and skills necessary for service activities.

The courses teach access control procedures, psychological training and code of conduct, communication between personnel, orientation in extreme conditions, as well as first aid in emergencies, occupational safety, technical and physical safety, rules of industrial sanitation, prevention of accidents and evacuation plans.

To participate in the competition organised by SOCAR’s Human Resources Department (HRD) on the process of enrolling students in specialties taught at GTEC for 6 months or a year, you may visit to apply (e-application) to the Admission to the Training Centre subsection under the Career menu. Candidates are admitted to the second stage of the competition if they meet the conditions specified in the Rules for admission of students to SOCAR’s training centres. The second stage of the competition is interviews/document verification. Those who succeed in the interviews get the right to participate in the third stage of the competition - the test exam. The candidates with the highest scores in the test are eligible to study at the training centre.

Young people who meet the following requirements can participate in the competition for admission to GTEC:

  • Citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Under 29 years of age by the date of the competition;
  • Secondary special education, initial vocational education or at least complete secondary education (currently young people with continuing education and higher education cannot apply);
  • Military ID (applicants for the “Shooter” profession must have served in the military, regardless of whether they have served in the military in other professions).

The following documents are required for the interview:

  • Identity card (original)
  • Diploma or certificate (original)
  • Original military ID (for men)
  • Health certificate (Form 86)
  • X-ray (fluorography, it is necessary to bring a picture of fluorography)
  • IDP card (for residents of Sumgayit city and Absheron region)
  • BC category driver’s license (Applicants to the profession of loader driver)

Contact information:

Training, Education and Certification Department of SOCAR
Address: Baku, Nizami District, A. Manafov Street 1
Phone: (012) 5210000 (ext: 48007, 48098)
